Expert Psychological Advice to meet your child’s needs.

Are you a parent who needs a Psychological Assessment for your child?

At Loom Psychology, we understand that each child is unique, and our assessments are designed to reflect their individual journey. By carefully weaving together each aspect of their story, we create a comprehensive understanding of their needs to help guide their educational path.

Every child’s assessment tells a story.

A story of their needs.

A story of their hopes for the future.

Below we have covered the main points you’ll need to know about the assessments and some frequently asked questions. If you have other questions or would like to book an initial consultation, get in touch, we’d love to chat!

Bilingual Services

We offer assessments through the medium of Arabic upon request, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for all families.

Our Assessment Process: Weaving Your Child’s Story

Our assessment follows the structure of a gold thread exploring:

Aspirations - We find out your hopes for the future.

Needs - We clarify your child’s needs (and also look at their strengths.)

Outcome - We set some specific, measurable and achievable targets for your child.

Provision - We plan what support your child needs to reach those targets

The Gold Thread

How is the Early Years Virtual Assessment Carried out?

  • The Virtual Observation

    You will be sent a booking link for a Teams meeting. 

    This involves a parent or carer following the child with an electronic device such as an iPad.

    If this is not possible, we will arrange a virtual home observation instead.

    This will take approximately 30 minutes.

  • The Virtual Consultation

    You will be sent a booking link for a Teams meeting. 

    This involves a conversation between parents or carers and setting representatives.

    It will clarify the child’s needs, set outcomes and review any proposed support.

    This will take approximately 75 minutes. 

How is the School Age Virtual Assessment Carried out? (Year 1 onwards)

  • The Virtual Meeting

    You will be sent a booking link for a Teams meeting. 

    This involves the child having a conversation with the Educational Psychologist.

    It might include them completing some activities such as drawings or scaling questions.

    This will take approximately 30 minutes.

  • The Virtual Consultation

    You will be sent a booking link for a Teams meeting. 

    This involves a conversation between parents or carers and setting representatives.

    It will clarify the child’s needs, set outcomes and review any proposed support.

    This will take approximately 75 minutes. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We specialise in working with children and young people aged 0 to 25, with a particular focus on Early Years assessments.

  • Virtual Observations: Approx. 30 minutes

    Virtual Meeting with the Child: Approx. 30 minutes

    Consultation with Parents or Carers: Approx. 75 minutes

  • We work flexibly, offering the option to conduct assessments via other digital platforms, including Zoom and Google Meet, to suit your preferences.

“Reem was very friendly and professional, putting us both at ease. She explained everything that was going to happen so I understood what she was looking at and what the information would be used for. Thank you!”

— Jemma Borg (15.08.24)

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.